Sunday, December 30, 2007


Attention all violists - Kim Kashkashian, pictured above, is one of the world's most beloved violist. I (Ms. Silberman) met her and saw her play with my former teacher at the San Francisco Conservatory almost 20 years ago. She's a neat lady, a dynamic performer, and very important to the viola world.

This morning there was a 9min story on NPR about some new music she's arranged and recorded. Here's a link:

~Ms. Silberman

Saturday, December 29, 2007

All City music links

Here are some YouTube links to the music for the All City audition music:



And, this is crazy, but there's a bass 3 octave g minor melodic scale here:

Happy Practicing,
~Ms. Silberman

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ron Kilde at the Oregon Wine and Food Festival

Hello all,

Happy mid-Holidays to one and all. Here's something of interest to any parents interested in wine and/or fine food: I just noticed that Ron Kilde's trio will be performing at the Oregon Wine and Food Festival at the Fairgrounds on Saturday Jan. 12 - here's a link to the flyer:
(Ron Kilde pictured above is the violinist who came to perform for our orchestra students earlier this month - he is also a grandparent of one of our violinists, Carsten Kilde)

I hope you are all having a relaxing, music-filled holiday break.
~Ms. Silberman

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Quickie Newsletter 12.18.07

Happy Holidays to the Titan Orchestras

1) Concert DVD
2) Concert photos
3) Omission
4) All City
5) Thank you to Ron Kilde
6) January preview

1) Reminder, that if anyone would like a DVD data file copy of the concert (it plays on Quicktime) please let Ms. Silberman know.

2) Go to starting December 18th to preview the photos Fred Molesworth took of the groups at the concert. This is the first time in awhile (maybe ever?) that Encore has made West Orchestra photos available for purchase, so please consider supporting his efforts. An order form is attached to this e-mail.

3) And, there was one more omission that was brought to our attention - Natalie Yonkman should have been listed as a cellist in our Advanced Symphony roster.

4) Any All City auditioners who would like a bit of free coaching by Ms. Silberman over the holidays is welcome to contact her:
H: 503-991-5813
C: 818-317-8218

5) All orchestra students were welcome to come this past Friday to Period 6 to hear a wonderful performance by our very own Carsten Kilde's grandfather Ron Kilde. Students were entertained with fantastic stories and beautiful performances of classic tunes including a medley from Fiddler on the Roof, Lara's Theme, Silent Night, Ashokan Farewell, and more. Anyone interested in a CD of Mr. Kilde's trio (jazz violin,trumpet, and guitar) for $15 can contact Ms. Silberman. You can see Mr. Kilde perform each Saturday from 11am - 1pm at the Cascade Bakery in town.

6) Once school resumes in January, Ms. Silberman intends on having all students participate in chamber music - students will have the opportunity to play duos, trios, or quartets with colleagues. The groups will perform for each other at the end of the month - it will be video taped so that copies can be distributed to those interested.Wishing you warmth, music, health, and happiness over the winterbreak.

~Ms. Silberman

Friday, December 14, 2007

Advanced Orchestra Ensemble at Schnitzer

Here are a few pics from the Dec. 2 performance by Jacklyn Steig, Joe Masters, Katelyn Horvath, Zevon Smith, Rebecca Barnick, Ellen Svadlenak, and Taylor Baldwin at Schnitzer Hall before the Oregon Symphony concert Dec. 2. Great job!!!

Newsletter 12.13.07

Orchestra News - December 13, 2007

2) Advanced Symphony winds, brass and percussion
3) Reminder about Advanced Symphony tomorrow (Friday!)
4) All City
5) Booster thank yous
6) Happy Holidays!

1) Thank you one and all for attending what will hopefully be remembered as a wonderful winter holiday concert. Ms. Silberman is offering DVDs of the concert for free to families who missed the concert because of the Walker Middle School orchestra concert. If any others want a
copy of the DVD, please bring either a DVDr or $1 to Ms. Silberman and she'll get a copy to you.

2) One big omission on the program - we forgot to list the Advanced Symphony wind, brass and percussion players. Thank you to them for coming to play on our orchestra winter concert:

Kylie Phillips
Maria Weir
Rosalyn Whitby

Michael Morgan
Jesse Wertz

Anna Stipe
Sarah Sneller

Michael Fifer
Josh Hettwer
Hayli Hodsdon
Olivia Nielsen

Dakota Robbins

Josh Fletcher
Brenden Pavelek
Ryan Tuttle

Arryn Bess
Eli Heide
Larysa Pavelek
Marche van Zandt

Jordan Bayles
Matt Garney
Matthew Hettwer

Kenny Wilson

Robert Harris
Brendon Seeley
Jason Schubothe

3) Reminder, there is an extended rehearsal for Advanced Symphony Friday Dec. 14 - from 2:40 - 5pm.

4) All City auditioners will be pulled out some these next few days to work on All City audition music. Anyone who'd like extra help over the holidays can contact Ms. Silberman for some coaching time.

5) From Boosters: Belated thanks to Cindy Culpovich ( for her generous Titan Auction donation. Thanks also to this year's bakers and buyers for the
after-concert cookies!

6) Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Cheery Winter Solstice, Pleasant
Perihelion, and may you all have a prosperous New Year!

~Ms. Silberman

Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter, pre-concert!!!

1) Concert day schedule and last minute reminders
2) Walker student parents... apologies
3) All City students - there was a mistake in the weekly schedule handed to students
4) Adv. Symphony extended rehearsal Friday Dec. 14
5) Blogspot
6) Congratulations to the ensemble who played before the Oregon Symphony!
7) Booster thank yous

1) Here is the schedule for Wednesday, Dec. 12:
After school there is a MANDATORY meeting from 2:30 - 3:30pm for all orchestra students. This is a 'tech' rehearsal where we will make sure we everyone knows where to sit, when to play, etc... Please clear schedules - private lessons, team practices, work schedules, babysitting and the like - if all students are in attendance it will assure that the concert order will go smoothly. All students are to be to the orchestra room by 6:30pm, DRESSED, and ready
to go.

Advanced Symphony will take photographs in the auditorium at 6:40pm The concert begins at 7pm - it should be over by 8:15pm, if not before. Period 5 students will take a photo, quickly, just after the concert is over. Periods 6, 7, 1 and 2 will take their photos in that order, after Period 5 is done. All students must remain in concert dress until their class photo has been taken, then they are dismissed.

Any questions? Please contact Ms. Silberman -

2) The Walker middle school orchestra concert is on the same night, at the same time as our concert. This was an unavoidable situation that we will try very hard to avoid in the future. Any families that have to 'be at both concerts' are welcome to ask Ms. Silberman for a copy of the video of our concert.

3) Students who will be auditioning for All City will be working on their parts over the next week. Students will work on the material in class on the days after the concert. Ms. Silberman is available on Thursday Dec. 13 after school to work individually with students.

On the yellow sheet handed to students, Ms. Silberman said that Friday December 14 is an after school rehearsal for All City - she forgot about our extended Symphony rehearsal. The All City rehearsal has been moved to Tuesday, Dec. 18 - 2:30 - 3:30, after school.

4) In exchange for no Advanced Symphony rehearsal Tuesday Dec. 18 (there is a short All City rehearsal at that time now) we will have an extended read-through rehearsal on Friday Dec. 14 - the rehearsal will let out at 5pm. We will provide a little snack for the students.

5) Don't forget to check the Blog Spot. Ms. Silberman has recently posted some good information and interesting links that do not appear in this newsletter:

6) A group of 7 students and Ms. Silberman performed on the mezzanine of the Arlene Schnitzer concert hall in Portland last Sunday before the Oregon Symphony concert. There were many audience members who came to hear us and the students did very well. Our orchestras will have more opportunities to perform in Portland next year. Please see the blog for some pictures of the event.

7) Thanks for parent help with several recent projects: Linda Beardsley with entertainment books, and Donna and Randy Steig and Sue and John Love with wreath and poinsettias. We also appreciated generous Titan Auction donations from Ann McCloud (Red Door Salon &Spa), Stephanie Johnson (Candied Walnut Patisserie) and Trent Young, D.D.S.

See you Wednesday!!!
~Ms. Silberman

Friday, December 7, 2007

So easy, a robot can do it...

(I much prefer a human, even if they fib on their practice logs! ~Ms. Silberman)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Check this out!!

~Ms. Silberman


Check out the Electric Violin Shop for wacky, crazy electric holiday present ideas. They are offering free domestic shipping if orders come in before Dec. 19. We will be getting a cello pickup for one of our school cellos - it should be installed over the next month!!

~Ms. Silberman

Salem Youth Symphony this Sunday!!

Remember, students need to submit 2 reviews by January 24.

Sunday Dec. 9 - Salem Youth Symphony - at Smith Hall, Willamette University, 3pm.
Advanced tickets $10, at the door $15/$12.

This will be a really neat concert (great music selections!!) - and we have 4 West students involved with this concert! Ms. Silberman is a big fan of this organization - she strongly suggests that anyone interested in joining this group next year come see this concert!

Here's what the director, Mr. Garrett says about the concert:

"The concert starts at 3:00 PM with our Amadeus group (the youngest group), continues at approximately 3:25 PM with the Philharmonia Orchestra and concludes with the Youth Symphony. Our part of the program (the youth symphony part) will be Overture to "Candide" Bernstein, Adagio for Strings by Barber, Academic Festival Overture by Brahms, and we should take the stage about 3:50-4:00 PM and conclude the concert by about 4:40."

~Ms. Silberman